Essay on Organic Farming in English | Organic Farming Essay

Essay on Organic Farming in English is a very important essay topic for every student of classes 1, 2, 3, class 4, class 5, class 6, class 7, class 8, 9, classe10, 11, and 12. This Organic Farming Essay is possible to use at schools, colleges, or university levels.

500+ Words Essay on Organic Farming in English

Over the years, the advent of technology has led to a tremendous amount of information about food and farming. In earlier times, food was used only to satisfy hunger, but in recent times, we eat food for the purpose of how much nutrition we get from that food so that our physical and mental health can be improved.

Very few of us are aware of the number of chemicals used in its production. People are slowly realizing how harmful many chemicals used in agriculture are, so now more and more people have turned to organic farming, in recent years organic farming has become very popular all over the world. The food we eat today is considered highly nutritious as compared to earlier times.

Essay on Organic Farming

Meaning of Organic Farming:

Organic farming is a method of agriculture that is cultivated without the use of chemicals such as chemical fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides in agricultural production. In this farming, efforts are made to increase the fertility of the soil by the use of soil micro-organism residues such as waste manure and sewage residues, manure, plant residues, and food processing waste.

Organic farming is achieved by maintaining natural balance and sustainable use of natural resources (soil, air, water). Organic farming relies on organic processes to obtain excellent quality and high agricultural yields. Organic farming is based on the concept, ‘Take good care of the soil along with the plant’ and the emphasis is on increasing the soil fertility along with supplying nutrition to the crop plants.

Why is organic farming needed?

In India, due to the Green Revolution of Swaminathan, there was a good improvement in the production of food grains and within a few years, the production increased very rapidly. But due to the chemical fertilizers and pesticides used in the Green Revolution, many agricultural problems have also arisen.

Due to the excessive use of many chemical fertilizers, many problems related to human health have been faced, and the quality of the soil has also declined significantly. It has been seen for some time that due to the burning of rice and wheat straw, the environment has also suffered a lot.

During the Green Revolution, the rice-wheat farming system was greatly encouraged, resulting in a significant decline in the area under traditional pulses and oilseeds. Due to the excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers (urea), groundwater was also contaminated to a large extent.

More awareness of the many negative consequences of contemporary agriculture and the growing demand for organic food products resulted in the rise of organic farming.

Tea, basmati rice, spices, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and cotton are in high demand in the global organic food market. The largest organic food markets are the United States, Japan, and the European Union. As a result of the increasing demand for organic food products, organic farming is developing rapidly in India.

Principles of Organic Farming:

There are four principles of organic farming.

  1. No Chemical Fertilizer
  2. No Use of Herbicide
  3. No Use of Pesticides
  4. Maintenance of Healthy Soil

Advantages of Organic Farming

Reduces Pesticides and Chemical Residues in the Soil:

Organic farming reduces the use of pesticides and chemicals to a great extent, thus solving the major environmental issue. It causes the least damage to soil, water, air, flora, and fauna. Organic farming helps in reducing major environmental problems like soil erosion, air pollution, and water pollution.

Organic farming fights global warming:

One study found that regular use of organic farming practices significantly reduces the level of carbon dioxide in the air and greatly helps in slowing climate change.

Organic farming ensures water conservation and controls water pollution:

Much aquatic flora and fauna are being destroyed as a result of pesticide and chemical runoff and leaching. By preventing toxic chemical and pesticide runoff, organic farming goes a long way in keeping our water supply clean and unpolluted.

Organic farming encourages biodiversity:

Organic farming reduces the use of pesticides, herbicides, and other toxic chemicals, which are the main causes of the loss of major soil flora and fauna.

By encouraging organic farming, natural plants, insects, birds, and animals are found, and they will survive. Environmental balance is maintained by organic farming, due to which many living beings living there will continue to increase their population in abundance in the natural environment.

Disadvantages of organic farming

  • Organic food is more expensive than conventional food because organic farmers do not get as much profit from their land as conventional farmers.
  • The cost of production in organic farming is very high because farmers need more labor.
  • Because organic food is produced in small quantities, marketing and distribution are not efficient.
  • Organic farmers should have a good understanding of local soil systems, meteorology, ecology, and other factors affecting crop growth. An organic farmer who lacks the necessary expertise will be unable to protect his crop at critical stages of the farming process.
  • Organic farms have to go through rigorous certification processes.

FAQs for Essay on Organic Farming

Q 1. Why is organic farming important?

Answer: Organic farming is very important to save our vast biodiversity and help reduce the poisoning of our food cycle.

Q 2. What are the disadvantages of organic farming?

Answer: The main disadvantage of organic farming is the financial viability of the process.

Q 3. Who is the father of organic farming?

Answer: Sir Albert Howard is the father of organic farming

Q 4. What are the two types of organic farming?

Answer: The two types of organic farming are pure organic farming and integrated organic farming.

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